Week 4: Quarters and Team Dinner

Week 4: Quarters and Team Dinner

The Ako team went on a team dinner this week! We had an amazing time at the Vespucci Italian Ristorante at San Mateo. Here are some pictures!

Rest of the week was focussed on obtaining a working demo for the Quarters open house here at EA. We decided to prototype the core interaction mechanics for the character and the player. Like we mentioned during Week 3, we decided to use ArUco markers to track the cards and digitally overlay the image on top of the ArUco code. We also introduced animations and text information to the AR experience to make the character more lively.

Here is a walkthrough of our Quarters presentation and our takeaways from the past weeks!

Next week, we will look into more depth the character design and voice variations that we have been trying out and also some playtest feedback from our quarters!