Joey (Chun-Wei) Yeh

Look up, wherever you are, and you can see what we have in common. However, when look around, you will find divisions. Chun-Wei Yeh (Joey) received a double degree in Electronic Engineering and Information Management, which gave him a chance to co-work with students from diverse backgrounds. He is always interested in learning from his peers and that is also one of the reasons made him to come to ETC.

Joey has a passion for high technology and art design. He started to sharpen his skills in his undergraduate life. He not only chose Electronic Engineering and Information Management as his two major fields but also went to Industrial Design to learn 2D computer graphics design. After graduate, he joined Siemens Ltd. Taiwan as an engineer in a project management team. In Siemens, he not only accumulated his technical experience but also project management skills. Now he came to ETC and looking for a chance to contribute his variety skills to all innovative projects.

Educational History

Electronic Engineering / Information Management Chang Gung University
