TF-CBT Triangle of Life available on iTunes

The spring 2014 team Transcedendence and their game TF-CBT Triangle of Life was recently released on iTunes.  With the tagline “Change how you think; change your life,” the TF-CBT Triangle of Life game is designed to help children age 8-12 better understand their thoughts, feelings and behaviors, and move toward a better quality of life. During this game, the player takes the role of the lion in a jungle story, guiding other animals toward more positive experiences and relationships.

 The Triangle of Life is based on Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), the strongest evidence-based treatment for helping traumatized children heal. TF-CBT was developed by Judith Cohen, MD, and Anthony Mannarino, PhD, of the Center for Traumatic Stress in Children and Adolescents at Allegheny General Hospital, along with Esther Deblinger, PhD, of the New Jersey CARES Institute.
The app is a product of the collaboration between the Allegheny Health Network and the Carnegie Mellon University’s Entertainment Technology Center and Disruptive Health Technology Institute focusing on developing medical apps.

More information on the the app, can be found in the press release from Allegheny Health Network.

Transcendence team members; Etaba, Eric, Seungsuk,, Vivek, Bing Liu, Hanna and Yan (Rock).  The project instructors are Mike Christel and Scott Stevens.

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