Week 6

This week ArchiTek continued integrating new assets into the demo of map design, iterating our map design website with React and working on art assets. After meeting with Yuan, the TA of GIS course, our team got some important information about how students finished their assignment and how the final layout of their maps looked Read more about Week 6[…]

week 5

This week ArchiTek presented the process and got a great number of feedback from faculties. Before quarters, we designed an interactive online quiz system, aiming to replace the quiz currently on CMU blackboard. Faculties gave us various suggestions, which could be summed up as follows:  ralph   3d printer–brain          3d–brain: where do we come from this Read more about week 5[…]

Week 4

ArchiTek focused on building templates and the quarter presentation on next Monday. For quiz templates, we initially built some templates by extending moodle, and then we added GIS questions into the templates. Currently, there are five sorts of templates including pictures and videos. The next job we are about to do is enriching the questions Read more about Week 4[…]