Week 10

Team ArchiTek presented what they have done in 1/2 presentation, and gave out a future plan for the following weeks. Before the presentation, ArchiTek has combined their story with the map design process. We iterated our story with our client and instructor. The final version is:   In 2060, the earth is in energy crisis. Read more about Week 10[…]

Week 8

This week was mostly finishing up more prototypes, and coming up with ideas for new prototypes. Combing our art work with the exercise, we met with our client and showcased our prototypes from last week to them, and got feedback on those ideas. We created a juicier background story: In 2020, human being are facing Read more about Week 8[…]

Week 7

Team ArchiTek is now deep into both the paper prototype and the website frame. As a matter of fact, we should give a shot to see if the digital prototype will work after inserting the maps and design in the web page. The main focus of this week is breaking through technical problems and clarifying Read more about Week 7[…]