Week 1: Highlights –> Fanfare

As of January 20th, we have completed the first week of the semester! Since it was a four-day week and we’re just getting ramped up, there’s not much to report, but here is what we did in a nutshell.

  • Project Set-Up
    • Picked a producer (Yong) and co-producer (Zoe)
    • Set core hours to ensure we have ample time to work together each week
    • Set up project management applications like Slack and Asana
  • First Meeting with Client!
    • Introduced the team to Verizon stakeholders
    • Clarified goal: increasing fan engagement at sports games (mobile highlights just one idea to accomplish this goal)
    • Question for next meeting: What data will the team be able to access, to use in the project?
  • Team Name
    • Since the project may not involve highlights, chose a more general name that signifies fan engagement
    • Project: Fanfare
  • Blue-Sky Brainstorming
    • Considered how to use Verizon’s acquisition, Sensity, to increase fan engagement
      • Use computer vision to see colors of fan jerseys?
    • How to make the game feel more like a party for fans?
    • How to balance giving fans content on their phones vs ensuring they’re engaged with their surroundings?

Coming up this week: Pitching some blue-sky ideas to the client, and seeing in what direction they’d like us to go. Hopefully we’ll also get more info on the data we’ll be provided, which will help us flesh out our ideas.