Newsletter 11 : Week 11

Date : 3rd April, 2015

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions”-Ken Blanchard

Feedback to whatever we do is really important at this stage. So, team Illusions have internal play test every week and play test with its peers every week and a half to make sure we are heading in the right direction.

Last week, we added different features in the game. We started by changing the game map. Previously, we had one lane in the map, where the battle would happen. Now, we changed it to 3 lanes. So, the players will have to decide in which lane they want to send the minions. The direction can be changed by tapping on the control pad.

Next, we added fog. It works like for now: Once the player reaches 2 points, cannon appears on the castle. The player has to look at the cannon to shoot fog. So, the opponent cannot see what minion has been sent for quite some time.

Furthermore, we modified the breaking the bridge feature. Before, when the player looked at the glowing brick on the bridge, it would create a hole and minions from both the teams would fall down. Now, we changed it in such a way that, when the player looks at the glowing brick, the brick changes the color to his team’s color (Red/Blue), so that his minion can pass through that part.

We also added new models for fire and water into the game. After making these changes, we play tested within the team. And we found out that even if the player sends all minions at once, without looking at the game board, the player wins. So, we made couple of changes to our design, so the player needs to use some strategy to win the game.

From the Art standpoint, Bo is working on the environment concept for the game. Shashank is working on getting the animations of the characters together.

This week, we are going to focus on the design changes that we made to make sure, players use some strategy. Also, we are looking forward to play testing with our peers this week, and a big play test on the 17th April, 2015.