As what we had planned last week, we first spent some time adding more content in our 2nd idle game prototype. We added some decoration models and UI to help players understand the options they have in the game.

UI – old version
UI – new version

For the 3rd prototype ideation, we first set our design pillars as follow:

  • Get fun from pedalling and attacking enemies
  • Self improve by challenging high score and defeating past self

Based on the design pillars, here are the questions we hope this prototyping process could answer:

  • Which factors make players feel excited and immersed in exergaming in a short period of time that even decreases the “awareness of exertion”?
  • Can competing against past self could make the players feel “the relating body”(Sociality)?

We used the jamboard to gather everyone’s idea, and picked the one that mainly focus on robot building and fight. The game play consists of the following three parts:

  1. Customize robots to fit different situations / levels
  2. Pedal to power the robot to defeat enemies
    • The more powerful the robot is, the more pedal speed would be needed
    • The time and number of defeated enemies are scored and ranked
  3. Compete against player’s own best score in the same level
gameplay flowchart

We finished the concept design and currently have some models for the robot ready to be implemented into the game.

For this week we completed the customization part, below is the demo video of how that looks like:

We also had some UI framework draft for the customization part, which will be put into the game by the end of next week:

For the hardware input, we added the actual pedal input into our first unicycle prototype, and it seems to need a few minutes to boot before we could actually receive any cadence data from it. We will add the sensor input for 2nd and 3rd prototype, meanwhile looking for other alternatives.

For the next week, as the halves are coming soon, we will spend some time on the slides and rehearsal. We also plan to reach out to a personal trainer for some professional ideas on how to build exercise games on this bike pedal platform. And as discussed above, we will be adding more content to the 3rd prototype.

Categories: Dev Blogs