We kicked off this week by starting a internal gam jam-since we introduced upper body movements like clapping in this rhythm game prototype, we would like to furthur explore the possibility of adding more sense of mastery in it. By Weduesday, each of us presented our idea on how to add more content/gameplay based on upper body movement, and we decided to develope two variations as the result.

The first idea is to introduce head movement in the game. To be specific, the game now has two virtual tracks that players could switch between, for which players will need to turn their head into certain direction. The head movement will be captured by webcam. Below is the demo video for this prototype:

The second idea is to replace the hand clapping with other action like punching. During the playtest last week, we found out that clapping sometimes may not be that efficient as exercise (and sometimes would hurt the player in some way). Besides, we would like to try out the idea of a “one man band” in a rhythm game. In this prototype, there will be three tracks for the notes, and players need to punch to notes at right point in order to get scores. Hand movement detection is done through Leap Motion. Below is the demo video:

We will continue polishing these two prototypes and have playtests based on them on next Tuesday. We are looking forward to getting some valuable insights and feedback on how we should deal with upper body movements!

Categories: Dev Blogs