The Beat, the Step, and the Cowboy

ETC students JD Minwong Ji, Zhetao Wang and Vivek Vidyasagaran created a game during the Global Game Jam last January called The Beat, the Step, and the Cowboy.  This rhythm-based two player game was recently featured in Rock, Paper, Shotgun. The game is available to download now on GameJolt. Nice work JD, Tao and Viviek... Read more »

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The ETC at GDC

Many of the Entertainment Technology Center alumni, faculty, students, and staff will be attending the Game Developers’ Conference again this year. The ETC will have a big presence games, sessions, round tables, and workshops. Below is a list of some of the participation of ETC folks during the Conference and Expo March 2-6 at the... Read more »

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ETC student team wins 2015 Blueprint Challenge: Games

Four ETC students entered their 2D puzzler platformer game, Scrolling, in Microsoft’s Imagine Cup as part of the 2015 Blueprint Challenge: Games.  Xunchi Sun, Feiran Wang, Mei Xue and Junwen Chen submitted a document outlining their idea and were recently announced as the Winners in the Game Category. Scrolling uses  a scroll-to-scale mechanism where players... Read more »

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Advanced Screenwriting – an interdisciplinary course

ETC Assistant Teaching Professor Chris Klug is featured with Professor of English Jane Bernstein in an article for a screenwriting course they are co-teaching this semester.   Below is an exerpt from the article written by Amanda King: “In TV screenwriting, dialogue is centrally important. The realities of production dictate it – a one-hour episode is... Read more »

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Shipbreakers to be shown on WQED

WQED (ch 13) will be airing the documentary, Shipbreakers, this Saturday, Jan 10 at 10:00pm during Filmmaker’s Corner. Shipbreakers was a co-production between the late Carnegie Mellon University Professor Paul Goodman, Tom Clancy and ETC assistant teaching Professor Ralph Vituccio. The documentary has screened in several film festivals both in the states and abroad and... Read more »

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ETC project game received an honorable mention PEACEapp competition

ETC project from the spring 2014 semester, Team Transcendence‘s game TF-CBT: Triangle of Life, received and honorable mention in the United Nations Appliance of Civilizations PEACEapp competition. The Transcendence team members of Etaba Assigana, Eric Chang, Seungsuk, Cho, Vivek Kotecha, Bing Liu, Hanna Turner and Yan (Rock) Zhang, augmented the Trauma-Focused-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy process by... Read more »

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Annual Building Virtual Worlds Festival

Carnegie Mellon University’s Entertainment Technology Center (ETC) was proud to host it’s 15 annual Building Virtual Worlds Festival on Wednesday December 3. Approximately 400 guest, including industry representatives,  prospective students, family and friends joined in for the festivities.  This year, we were especially honored to welcome CMU president Subra Suresh and his wife Mary as... Read more »

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Not Everything is Flammable is Released!

ETC student pitch project team DAM released their 2d platform game Not Everything is Flammable (NEIF) earlier this week through Gamejolt. NEIF initially began as a Global Game Jam prototype created by the DAM team:  David Shiyang Liu, Alex Hu and Mac Lotze.  After the Game Jam, the students pitched the project to the ETC... Read more »

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ETC student project Palimpsest in the news

ETC student project team Palimpsest has made an application with the Epson Moverio BT-200 augmented reality glasses that provides a glimpse of the future showcasing augmented reality’s role in our lives.  In particular, the team made a navigation companion that not only leads the user from point A to point B, but also has some... Read more »

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