Profile Pics

Chinese New Year Profile Pics

(Profile Pic Represented Birth Chinese Zodiac Animal)

2016 Super Bowl Profile Pics

(Profile Pic Represented Team he/she Supported)


St. Valentine’s Day Profile Pics

St. Patrick’s Day Profile Pics

(Those with Irish Heritage Got a Clover)

Card Parody Profile Pics



A Statement from Alejandra “Aly” Soto

This fun side project was done on the side. While the team appreciated the professional profile pics the ETC provided us with, we decided that they didn’t quite fit the mood of the project (exploration in a fun space). So we took any chance we had to change it up for a good purpose. For the “Chinese New Year” pics, I aimed to create a cute version of everyone’s zodiac animal as we were working with young children in the museum often.  For St. Valentine’s and St. Patrick’s Day, I stuck with filters so that there was still a mode of identification. Changing a person’s filter based on unique information such as heritage or role in the project, provided a nice fun touch for everyone.

Additionally, the profile pics we have displayed currently were done to fit the theme of the Makerbox. We recognized these archetypes in ourselves on various levels and felt that it would be fun to act them out on camera and become the “blobs” in the card illustrations.