ETC Project AR app being used in Carnegie Museum of Art

During the spring of 2017 semester, team PlastAR worked with Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Architecture and the Carnegie Museum of Art to create a compelling augmented reality experience using the Google Tango. Soon, the Carnegie Museum of Art Hall of Architecture will use tablets outfitted with the app, Plaster ReCast, to enhance a user’s... Read more »

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ETC student game wins 2nd place at CHI Play Conference

Angle Jungle, an iPad math game, has been awarded second place at the CHI Play 2017 student game competition.  The game was created during the spring 2017 semester by the ETC project team Tiny.  Jibran Khan, the game designer for the team attended the conference in Amsterdam and was able to accept the award. Angle... Read more »

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ETC at IndieCade Festival 2017

The ETC has two interactive media projects accepted in this year’s IndieCade Festival 2017.  Assistant Professor Jessica Hammer’s Rosentrasse and ETC student project team Mocking Bird’s interactive film, Mind Field were both selected to show their work in the IndieCade Events. Rosenstrasse is a table top role-playing game about intermarried couples living in Berlin from... Read more »

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Another ETC project CHI Play Finalist

A second ETC project team, Hindsight, had their VR experience named a finalist in the Student Game Design Competition for CHI PLAY 2017.   Project Hindsight is an interactive, virtual reality live-action experience that aims to explore the consequences of unsafe driving practices via an engaging and emotional story.  As part of a student pitch project,... Read more »

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ETC project game finalist for CHI PLAY 2017

ETC student project from the spring 2017 semester, Tiny, created a iPad game Angle Jungle: An Educational Game about Angles that has been recently named a finalist in the Student Game Design Competition for CHI PLAY 2017. The competition received a record 28 submissions this year from around the world. The competition chairs convened a... Read more »

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ETC at The 2017 Games for Change Festival

As a Community Sponsor of the 2017 Games for Change Festival the ETC will have quite a few students, alumni and faculty at the festival in New York City, July 31 – August 2.  Festival goers will discover how games can impact education, healthcare, research, civics and social issues.   Again this year, the G4C... Read more »

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Each year at the SIGGRAPH Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, ETC students, alumni, faculty and staff are involved.  Here is a summary of where you could run into some ETCers in Los Angeles July 31 to August 3, 2017. Student Volunteers Jenny Liu (2018), Yiro Qi (2018), Umang Wadhwa (2018),  and Sharon (Shuang)... Read more »

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Serious Play Awards Silver Medal Winner

ETC project team Athena has been awarded a Silver Medal at the 2017 International Serious Play Awards.  The team’s game. “Smash” is a single-player iPad game geared to 8-11 year old boys with social and emotional challenges.  The games seeks to encourage problem solving strategies and other enriching elements often absent from games geared towards... Read more »

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Student Game Serious Game Gold winner

The spring 2017 semester project team Tiny created an iPad app “Angle Jungle” which has won a Gold Medal in the 2017 International Serious Play Awards. The team’s aim for the semester was to create a fun educational game for students at the Intermediate Unit and and the Colonial School.  With their clients, the team... Read more »

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Congratulations class of 2017!

On Sunday May 21, the ETC honored 72 new alumni as we held the 2017 Diploma Ceremony at Heinz Field.  Following dinner, with fellow classmates, family, ETC faculty and staff the latest group of graduates received their Master of Entertainment Technology degrees from Carnegie Mellon University. This year, we had ETC alumnae Shanna Tellerman(05) give... Read more »

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