Week 4 – Meet our prototypes

Week 4 has been a very busy week!

At the beginning of the week, we first got together and decided that we would like to put our review of the TAP device together so that we can have a clearer and higher level image of the pros and cons of the device.

And by far, we currently have four working prototypes. The first one is a music rhythm game. With the TAP device, you can focus on the rhythm rather than the positions of the button.

The second prototype is focusing on exploring the possibilities of the TAP for other languages which are not based on Latin languages. Here we use Chinese Wubi as an example. We use the first tap to decide the section and the second tap to decide the block.

The third prototype is focusing on how to combine the TAP device with other input devices. Here we used to touch screens with TAP so that the touch screen can sense which finger is down on the screen. This is a very interesting functionality and it has lots of potentials.

And we also have another prototype to explore the possibilities for disabled people. This prototype can give voice feedback about what you just tapped.

And as for our quarter feedback, it is generally pretty good. One thing which has been mentioned several times is that how will we define the final success. We had several meetings within the team as well as meetings with faculty regarding this and this is what we have finally decided. First of all, since this is a discovery project, we will always focus on the key elements of discovery. So the key point is that we need to find some truly creative stuff by the end of the semester. Then the problem is how should we justify our decision. We need to show the possible paths to take and give the reasons for the path we choose.

We got a lot of feedback and they are extremely inspiring and helpful. We will stick with our plan which is focusing on exploring and prototyping before the half. In the following weeks, we will continue prototyping in different areas. We will also try to brainstorm from an emotional perspective instead of a technology perspective. We will also try to get input from the audience to see what they actually want then we will decide one or maybe two aspects to dive deep into.